Social Media Chaos

You’d have to look a long time to find a grander Trumpster than Marjorie Taylor Greene. She’s one of a kind. And so’s he. Both have huge social media ‘Followings’ and like Trump, Greene knows how to set her followers on fire – she just did with three words, Oust Mike Johnson.

When she said that some folks, shaking their heads, sighed, We’ve seen enough chaos.

But that doesn’t matter to a Trump superstar using social media. What does matter? Igniting followers and getting publicity. And a vote to kick out Johnson does both.

Making backroom deals in Washington politicians and lobbyists have wreaked havoc for years. But thanks to the growing power of social media Marjorie Taylor Greene – pouring gas on a fire – adds a new form of chaos and, rolling downhill, Washington goes from bad to worse.

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Carter Wrenn




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Social Media Chaos


You’d have to look a long time to find a grander Trumpster than Marjorie Taylor Greene. She’s one of a kind. And so’s he. Both have huge social media ‘Followings’ and like Trump, Greene knows how to set her followers on fire – she just did with three words, Oust Mike Johnson.

When she said that some folks, shaking their heads, sighed, We’ve seen enough chaos.

But that doesn’t matter to a Trump superstar using social media. What does matter? Igniting followers and getting publicity. And a vote to kick out Johnson does both.

Making backroom deals in Washington politicians and lobbyists have wreaked havoc for years. But thanks to the growing power of social media Marjorie Taylor Greene – pouring gas on a fire – adds a new form of chaos and, rolling downhill, Washington goes from bad to worse.

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Carter Wrenn

