“No Party” Wins
October 1, 2012 - by
If you wonder which party is riding a voter registration tide, here’s your answer: Neither. More than half of the new voters in North Carolina are Unaffiliated.
Since December 2011, some 266,000 new voters have registered in the state. Of those, 53.4 percent (142,209) registered as Unaffiliated. Slightly more registered Republican than Democratic – 61,903 to 57,835 – and 4,246 as Libertarian.
This means that fully one-fourth of the state’s voters are now registered Unaffiliated. About 43 percent are Democrats and 31 percent Republicans.
Given the disasters that have befallen North Carolina Democrats this year, maybe they shouldn’t be surprised they lagged behind Republicans. But weren’t a lot of these new registrants turned out by Obama’s campaign?
Somebody better figure out what these new voters are thinking – and what it means for North Carolina politics in the future.
By the way, these numbers were dug up by my friend Joe Stewart, from the Civitas Institute’s Carolina Transparency Vote Tracker.

“No Party” Wins
October 1, 2012/

If you wonder which party is riding a voter registration tide, here’s your answer: Neither. More than half of the new voters in North Carolina are Unaffiliated.
Since December 2011, some 266,000 new voters have registered in the state. Of those, 53.4 percent (142,209) registered as Unaffiliated. Slightly more registered Republican than Democratic – 61,903 to 57,835 – and 4,246 as Libertarian.
This means that fully one-fourth of the state’s voters are now registered Unaffiliated. About 43 percent are Democrats and 31 percent Republicans.
Given the disasters that have befallen North Carolina Democrats this year, maybe they shouldn’t be surprised they lagged behind Republicans. But weren’t a lot of these new registrants turned out by Obama’s campaign?
Somebody better figure out what these new voters are thinking – and what it means for North Carolina politics in the future.
By the way, these numbers were dug up by my friend Joe Stewart, from the Civitas Institute’s Carolina Transparency Vote Tracker.