No Empty Chairs Here
September 3, 2012 - by
This blog is also posted on The Charlotte Observer’s DNC blog site.
There’s one problem with the Clint Eastwood line that Carter likes: This week, the chair will talk back.
Even better, President Bill Clinton probably will talk back. And say something like:
“You’re right, Clint. When somebody doesn’t do the job, you gotta let ‘em go. That’s why the American people let the Republicans go from the White House in 2008 – and shouldn’t bring them back.
“Remember what America was like the last time a Democratic President served eight years? We were at peace. The economy was booming. We had a budget surplus. We were paying down the debt AND saving Social Security.
“Then the Republicans took over. They started two wars. They cut taxes for the rich. They blew a hole in the budget and exploded the deficit. They deregulated Wall Street and big banks. The financial system nearly collapsed, and they drove us into a deep recession that we’re still digging out of.”
Then he’ll make the case for Obama’s four years, as The New Yorker reported he did at an Obama fundraiser
“(I)t takes ten years to recover from a financial crisis rooted in a housing collapse, and, by that historical standard, Obama was ‘beating the clock, not behind it.’ That Obama’s stimulus plan had shaved two points off the unemployment rate. That Obama’s restructuring of the auto industry had saved one and a half million jobs. That Obama’s health-care law will bring consumers and employers $1.3 billion in refunds from insurance companies.”
He’ll conclude:
“Romney-Ryan would go back to what didn’t work before. Obama will put us on the right track. And Republicans in Congress should stop trying to make him and the country fail.”

No Empty Chairs Here
September 3, 2012/

This blog is also posted on The Charlotte Observer’s DNC blog site.
There’s one problem with the Clint Eastwood line that Carter likes: This week, the chair will talk back.
Even better, President Bill Clinton probably will talk back. And say something like:
“You’re right, Clint. When somebody doesn’t do the job, you gotta let ‘em go. That’s why the American people let the Republicans go from the White House in 2008 – and shouldn’t bring them back.
“Remember what America was like the last time a Democratic President served eight years? We were at peace. The economy was booming. We had a budget surplus. We were paying down the debt AND saving Social Security.
“Then the Republicans took over. They started two wars. They cut taxes for the rich. They blew a hole in the budget and exploded the deficit. They deregulated Wall Street and big banks. The financial system nearly collapsed, and they drove us into a deep recession that we’re still digging out of.”
Then he’ll make the case for Obama’s four years, as The New Yorker reported he did at an Obama fundraiser
“(I)t takes ten years to recover from a financial crisis rooted in a housing collapse, and, by that historical standard, Obama was ‘beating the clock, not behind it.’ That Obama’s stimulus plan had shaved two points off the unemployment rate. That Obama’s restructuring of the auto industry had saved one and a half million jobs. That Obama’s health-care law will bring consumers and employers $1.3 billion in refunds from insurance companies.”
He’ll conclude:
“Romney-Ryan would go back to what didn’t work before. Obama will put us on the right track. And Republicans in Congress should stop trying to make him and the country fail.”