Newton’s 3rd Law
In 2008 the NCAE (the mighty teacher’s union) poured millions into Bev Perdue’s campaign – last month in one stroke Thom Tillis eviscerated the union’s government subsidy by ordering the state to stop collecting its dues for it.
Last year Phil Berger and Thom Tillis set out to redraw the fault lines of state politics – and they’ve done it, emasculating the long dominant Democratic legislature and ushering in a new era.

Newton’s 3rd Law

In 2008 the NCAE (the mighty teacher’s union) poured millions into Bev Perdue’s campaign – last month in one stroke Thom Tillis eviscerated the union’s government subsidy by ordering the state to stop collecting its dues for it.
Last year Phil Berger and Thom Tillis set out to redraw the fault lines of state politics – and they’ve done it, emasculating the long dominant Democratic legislature and ushering in a new era.