McCrory’s Core Test
April 25, 2014 - by
Will Governor McCrory stand up to the rising Republican revolt against Common Core (they call it “Obamacore”)?
Rushing to pander to the Tea Party, Republican legislators who once embraced the standards now denounce them. The philosophy seems to be: “Everybody should be as dumb as us.”
Chris Fitzsimon at NC Policy Watch summed up the Governor’s dilemma in a tweet: “Governor McCrory supports Common Core; so does his SBOE Chair Bill Cobey; Would McCrory veto bill ending Common Core?”
If McCrory stands firm, instead of folding, will he face a primary challenge in 2016 from Lt. Gov. Dan Forrest?
Grab a seat and some popcorn. This will be interesting.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

McCrory’s Core Test
April 25, 2014/

Will Governor McCrory stand up to the rising Republican revolt against Common Core (they call it “Obamacore”)?
Rushing to pander to the Tea Party, Republican legislators who once embraced the standards now denounce them. The philosophy seems to be: “Everybody should be as dumb as us.”
Chris Fitzsimon at NC Policy Watch summed up the Governor’s dilemma in a tweet: “Governor McCrory supports Common Core; so does his SBOE Chair Bill Cobey; Would McCrory veto bill ending Common Core?”
If McCrory stands firm, instead of folding, will he face a primary challenge in 2016 from Lt. Gov. Dan Forrest?
Grab a seat and some popcorn. This will be interesting.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans