
When you run as the Greatest Winner Of All Time, you’d better win. Especially your first time.

So there’s no way Trump can bluff or blame his way out of his health care debacle.

He lost bigly. Republicans lost bigly. Paul Ryan lost bigliest.

For seven years and through four elections, they promised to ditch Obamacare and give us a better way. One that Trump said would be cheaper and better and cover everybody.

Turns out they didn’t have a plan. Or a clue.

They couldn’t govern. They couldn’t get anything done. Mr. Art of the Deal couldn’t get a deal.

So now they’re going to do tax “reform”? A big tax cut for the 1 percent? A 20 percent tax on imports for consumers?

Sounds like another Loser.

No wonder Washington Democrats feel like winners. Even if they were mere bystanders to the Republican car wreck.

A real winner was President Obama. A health care plan named for him is now, as Ryan admitted, “the law of the land.”

Thanks, Obama!

Another big winner: 24 million Americans who won’t lose their health insurance.

And another: the people back home who scared the bejeezus out of Republican congressmen and Senators.

November’s losers are March’s winners. They’re now emboldened for all the fights to come before the next election.

Just a reminder of how fast things can change in politics.


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Gary Pearce



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When you run as the Greatest Winner Of All Time, you’d better win. Especially your first time.

So there’s no way Trump can bluff or blame his way out of his health care debacle.

He lost bigly. Republicans lost bigly. Paul Ryan lost bigliest.

For seven years and through four elections, they promised to ditch Obamacare and give us a better way. One that Trump said would be cheaper and better and cover everybody.

Turns out they didn’t have a plan. Or a clue.

They couldn’t govern. They couldn’t get anything done. Mr. Art of the Deal couldn’t get a deal.

So now they’re going to do tax “reform”? A big tax cut for the 1 percent? A 20 percent tax on imports for consumers?

Sounds like another Loser.

No wonder Washington Democrats feel like winners. Even if they were mere bystanders to the Republican car wreck.

A real winner was President Obama. A health care plan named for him is now, as Ryan admitted, “the law of the land.”

Thanks, Obama!

Another big winner: 24 million Americans who won’t lose their health insurance.

And another: the people back home who scared the bejeezus out of Republican congressmen and Senators.

November’s losers are March’s winners. They’re now emboldened for all the fights to come before the next election.

Just a reminder of how fast things can change in politics.


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Gary Pearce

