It Turns Out…
March 25, 2011 - by
Now that we’re bombing Libya the New York Times reports that, technically, we didn’t go to war to defeat Gadhafi. Technically, the Times says, all the UN Resolution did was set up a no-fly zone to stop Gadhafi bombing his own civilians. The General commanding our attack says pretty much the same thing: “Our mission is not to support any opposition forces.” In fact, according to the UN ‘mandate’ if one of our fighter pilots flies across a battlefield Gadhafi’s army and the rebels are fighting it out he’s supposed to fly right on by.
This has created a helluva mess at NATO headquarters where some of our allies are saying what started out as a mission to prevent Gadhafi bombing his own people has somehow turned into our bombing Gadhafi’s army.
After all, President Obama says he wants Gadhafi out and it’s hard to see why Gadhafi would give up as long as he has an army and the rebels don’t.
And who exactly are these rebels the President wants to help? Are they Freedom Fighters or clansmen from feuding Bedouin tribes? A political scientist at Georgetown University answered that dryly saying, It could be a very big surprise when Gadhafi leaves and we find out who we’re really dealing with.
Here’s one fact: After the airstrikes started and pictures of pulverized Libyan tanks started appearing on TV the rebels attacked Ajdabiya trying to retake it from Gadhafi’s army. They retreated after taking eight casualties. So how solid is President Obama’s bet these folks whip Gadhafi on their own?
As one rebel leader said, Gadhafi’s forces are like birds. They can fly anywhere, but the international community can shoot them down. Our role in this war is to walk in and pluck their feathers. That doesn’t exactly sound like a diehard patriot fighting for his freedom.

It Turns Out…
March 25, 2011/

Now that we’re bombing Libya the New York Times reports that, technically, we didn’t go to war to defeat Gadhafi. Technically, the Times says, all the UN Resolution did was set up a no-fly zone to stop Gadhafi bombing his own civilians. The General commanding our attack says pretty much the same thing: “Our mission is not to support any opposition forces.” In fact, according to the UN ‘mandate’ if one of our fighter pilots flies across a battlefield Gadhafi’s army and the rebels are fighting it out he’s supposed to fly right on by.
This has created a helluva mess at NATO headquarters where some of our allies are saying what started out as a mission to prevent Gadhafi bombing his own people has somehow turned into our bombing Gadhafi’s army.
After all, President Obama says he wants Gadhafi out and it’s hard to see why Gadhafi would give up as long as he has an army and the rebels don’t.
And who exactly are these rebels the President wants to help? Are they Freedom Fighters or clansmen from feuding Bedouin tribes? A political scientist at Georgetown University answered that dryly saying, It could be a very big surprise when Gadhafi leaves and we find out who we’re really dealing with.
Here’s one fact: After the airstrikes started and pictures of pulverized Libyan tanks started appearing on TV the rebels attacked Ajdabiya trying to retake it from Gadhafi’s army. They retreated after taking eight casualties. So how solid is President Obama’s bet these folks whip Gadhafi on their own?
As one rebel leader said, Gadhafi’s forces are like birds. They can fly anywhere, but the international community can shoot them down. Our role in this war is to walk in and pluck their feathers. That doesn’t exactly sound like a diehard patriot fighting for his freedom.