Gary’s Book Tour
November 20, 2010 - by
I’ve been doing a series of book-signings across the state to promote my Jim Hunt biography. My publisher, John F. Blair Publisher in Winston-Salem, asked me to write something about the tour for their blog. It follows
Halfway through my tour, I’ve concluded that book-signings are God’s way of rewarding authors for all the angst, anguish and anxiety they suffered while writing their books.
Because book-signings are an ego rush.
You sit at a table decorated with the book you wrote. You look up at a line of people holding your book, waiting to speak with you. When their turn comes, they tell you how much they’re looking forward to reading the book, they’re so glad you wrote it, they remember meeting you at such-and-such, etc. Then you sign, try to think of something warm or clever or memorable to write, and they go away smiling.
When this tour is over, my family and friends are going to have a tough job bringing me back to earth. (Rest assured: They’re up to the challenge.)
I get an added treat on my tour. Former Governor Hunt goes to all the book-signing events, too. He’s a real draw, so we get good crowds.
Best of all – after years of writing speeches for him and listening to him give them – I get to talk. He even introduces me. And sometimes – but rarely – I get the last word.
At the end of each event, I’m spent. I’m exhilarated – and exhausted. But I go away with a new appreciation for three things:
1. People who read – and buy – books.
2. Publishers like John F. Blair.
3. Independent bookstores that care about authors and, most of all, readers.
Bless you all. Long may you read, publish and thrive.
Posted in General

Gary’s Book Tour
November 20, 2010/

I’ve been doing a series of book-signings across the state to promote my Jim Hunt biography. My publisher, John F. Blair Publisher in Winston-Salem, asked me to write something about the tour for their blog. It follows
Halfway through my tour, I’ve concluded that book-signings are God’s way of rewarding authors for all the angst, anguish and anxiety they suffered while writing their books.
Because book-signings are an ego rush.
You sit at a table decorated with the book you wrote. You look up at a line of people holding your book, waiting to speak with you. When their turn comes, they tell you how much they’re looking forward to reading the book, they’re so glad you wrote it, they remember meeting you at such-and-such, etc. Then you sign, try to think of something warm or clever or memorable to write, and they go away smiling.
When this tour is over, my family and friends are going to have a tough job bringing me back to earth. (Rest assured: They’re up to the challenge.)
I get an added treat on my tour. Former Governor Hunt goes to all the book-signing events, too. He’s a real draw, so we get good crowds.
Best of all – after years of writing speeches for him and listening to him give them – I get to talk. He even introduces me. And sometimes – but rarely – I get the last word.
At the end of each event, I’m spent. I’m exhilarated – and exhausted. But I go away with a new appreciation for three things:
1. People who read – and buy – books.
2. Publishers like John F. Blair.
3. Independent bookstores that care about authors and, most of all, readers.
Bless you all. Long may you read, publish and thrive.
Posted in General