Fruit from Vices
Six of us sat down for our weekly lunch and an ethical perplexity landed on the table: Does a Republican have to defend Donald Trump, no matter what he says, because if he doesn’t he’s helping elect Hillary? Eric, an attorney, asked.
No one liked Hillary but no one liked Trump either and then Eric continued, Trump will appoint better Supreme Court Justices. He’s the lesser of two evils – and it seemed the ends of defeating Hillary justified the means of standing behind Trump to everyone except Richard – who asked:
Do you think Trump regrets his bragging and bullying and saying Ted Cruz’s father and Lee Harvey Oswald were friends?
I wouldn’t go that far, Eric laughed.
So isn’t it wishful thinking to think, Richard asked, those vices will sow seeds that bear good fruit?

Fruit from Vices

Six of us sat down for our weekly lunch and an ethical perplexity landed on the table: Does a Republican have to defend Donald Trump, no matter what he says, because if he doesn’t he’s helping elect Hillary? Eric, an attorney, asked.
No one liked Hillary but no one liked Trump either and then Eric continued, Trump will appoint better Supreme Court Justices. He’s the lesser of two evils – and it seemed the ends of defeating Hillary justified the means of standing behind Trump to everyone except Richard – who asked:
Do you think Trump regrets his bragging and bullying and saying Ted Cruz’s father and Lee Harvey Oswald were friends?
I wouldn’t go that far, Eric laughed.
So isn’t it wishful thinking to think, Richard asked, those vices will sow seeds that bear good fruit?