Earth to Tillis
February 11, 2011 - by
Mr. Speaker, didn’t you guys learn anything from the Democratic scandals of the last decade?
Lesson 1: Don’t stiff-arm Andy Curliss and the N&O. Ask Mike Easley how that worked out.
Lesson 2: Don’t have a closed-door “policy committee” meeting at the Legislative Building to hear from special-interest lobbyists.
Lesson 3: Especially when you’re talking about a scummy business like gambling.
The N&O reported: “House Speaker Thom Tillis defended the closed-door sessions as a way for Republicans to hear about ‘emotionally charged issues’ without the media looking on.”
What’s that about? Were you afraid somebody would cry? Have you all turned into John Boehner?
More to the point, are openness and transparency reserved for dull and boring issues?
You might recall that, after Democrats got mired in the state lottery muck, people went to prison.
This is not a gamble worth taking again.

Earth to Tillis
February 11, 2011/

Mr. Speaker, didn’t you guys learn anything from the Democratic scandals of the last decade?
Lesson 1: Don’t stiff-arm Andy Curliss and the N&O. Ask Mike Easley how that worked out.
Lesson 2: Don’t have a closed-door “policy committee” meeting at the Legislative Building to hear from special-interest lobbyists.
Lesson 3: Especially when you’re talking about a scummy business like gambling.
The N&O reported: “House Speaker Thom Tillis defended the closed-door sessions as a way for Republicans to hear about ‘emotionally charged issues’ without the media looking on.”
What’s that about? Were you afraid somebody would cry? Have you all turned into John Boehner?
More to the point, are openness and transparency reserved for dull and boring issues?
You might recall that, after Democrats got mired in the state lottery muck, people went to prison.
This is not a gamble worth taking again.