Did McCrory Flip-Flop on Dix?
November 28, 2012 - by
Was Governor-elect McCrory for Governor Perdue’s Dix plan before he was against it? A well-wired TAPster says yes.
The source – whom I’ve always found to be reliable and knowledgeable – said Governor Perdue ran her plan by McCrory and Art Pope before announcing it. She thought she had their support.
But Senator Berger and Speaker Tillis squashed the idea. So yesterday Governor-elect McCrory came out against it.
If true, this suggests that the real power in Raleigh will rest in the Legislative Building next year, not the Governor’s Office.

Did McCrory Flip-Flop on Dix?
November 28, 2012/

Was Governor-elect McCrory for Governor Perdue’s Dix plan before he was against it? A well-wired TAPster says yes.
The source – whom I’ve always found to be reliable and knowledgeable – said Governor Perdue ran her plan by McCrory and Art Pope before announcing it. She thought she had their support.
But Senator Berger and Speaker Tillis squashed the idea. So yesterday Governor-elect McCrory came out against it.
If true, this suggests that the real power in Raleigh will rest in the Legislative Building next year, not the Governor’s Office.