Common Sense and Lacrosse
After Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong took the oath of office for a new term, apparently, the press was complaining about not being allowed to attend the ceremony, asking if it violated the Open Meetings laws.
Judge Orlando Hudson, who swore in Nifong, then became the first government official in quite a while to say something sensible about the Duke Lacrosse case. “I’m not sure it violated anything,” Judge Hudson said. “Except common sense.” (News and Observer; 1-3-07).
I wonder if he just meant the ceremony.
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Common Sense and Lacrosse

After Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong took the oath of office for a new term, apparently, the press was complaining about not being allowed to attend the ceremony, asking if it violated the Open Meetings laws.
Judge Orlando Hudson, who swore in Nifong, then became the first government official in quite a while to say something sensible about the Duke Lacrosse case. “I’m not sure it violated anything,” Judge Hudson said. “Except common sense.” (News and Observer; 1-3-07).
I wonder if he just meant the ceremony.
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