Duking it out, Round 2
Duke Energy has taken issue with a guest blog posted Tuesday “Duke it out.” Today the company responds. The blog at issue addressed the state’s order that Duke dig up and relocate millions of tons of coal ash at its old power plants, “a task of truly staggering logistical and financial consequences.” The blogger said…
Read MorePolitics Today
Debt’s piling up. Congress just voted for an ‘Omnibus’ Bill spending more. Cries –Trump’s a racist, Steve King’s a white supremacist, Representative Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic – echo through Congress but at the mention of spending cuts the room falls silent. Welcome to the Swamp.
Read MoreWacky
The first story I read said Democrats in Congress struck ‘so help me God’ from a key House Committee oath. The second story told how a legislator ended a prayer in the State House by saying, ‘In the name of Jesus Christ’ – and asked, Will more diverse members change who they pray to? A…
Read MorePelosi Saying No
Last month in an internet ad run by his campaign during the shutdown President Trump said: ‘I want to be able to show Senate Democrats a list of the many American voters that will NOT be happy if the Wall isn’t built. I need YOUR NAME on the list. Sign our official petition to the…
Read MoreMoving Pelosi
Before the government shutdown President Trump, defying the Democrats, walked out of a meeting and announced he’d continue the shutdown “for months or even years” – but Nancy Pelosi didn’t budge and then Ann Coulter, aghast when Trump folded and reopened the government, tweeted Trump was a ‘wimp’ and the Daily Caller added ‘Trump Caved.’…
Read MoreForgiving Errant Tweets
President Reagan threw the Russians into a somersault with two words – Star Wars – but then the Berlin Wall fell and the two words vanished. Thirty years later when North Korea started testing nuclear missiles I assumed we’d built Star Wars but no one knew about it because it was top secret – but…
Read MoreUnbranding the Wall
Trump’s trapped. After three years of rallies, tweets and boasts ‘The Wall’ now wears Trump’s brand like a Trump Tower Hotel. Trump and the Wall are one. If you like Trump, you like The Wall; if you dislike Trump, you dislike The Wall. Whether you’re for or against The Wall doesn’t have much to do…
Read MoreGreed and Fake News
The headline – School system will reduce lunch menus due to shutdown – evoked images of hungry children; I clicked and read: Vance County Schools’ reduced lunch menu will be one main dish, bread, two vegetables, one fruit and milk. What had been ‘reduced?’ There’d be no ice cream, no more bottled water and canned…
Read MoreTrump-World and Bernie-Land
Who’d have believed it – in the New York Times women are telling tales about how they were sexually harassed during Bernie Sanders’ campaign: One woman told how after she “complained to her supervisor” about being harassed “he laughed” and another told how “there was no one who would or could help” when she was…
Read MoreWords or Deeds?
He said he’d hoped Trump’s campaign would stop name calling – but it didn’t. He said that after Trump won he’d hoped he’d clean up his act – but he didn’t. And a few minutes after Mitt Romney lit into Trump the Republican world ignited with Trump tweeting and Trump’s Campaign Manager telling the newspapers,…
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