Booing Bev
The “Smith Center Boos Bev” story is why my new-media guru Nation Hahn says: “If you’re not on Twitter, you’re not part of the conversation.”
I was following the New Hampshire results on Twitter Tuesday night (the best way to do it) when John Frank of the N&O tweeted that the Smith Center crowd booed Governor Perdue during a halftime presentation.
John Dervin from the Governor’s staff quickly tweeted to her defense. He said the boos were scattered and drowned out by applause. Republican tweeters quickly disagreed. The battle raged on Twitter yesterday, with both sides spinning and tweeting.

Booing Bev

The “Smith Center Boos Bev” story is why my new-media guru Nation Hahn says: “If you’re not on Twitter, you’re not part of the conversation.”
I was following the New Hampshire results on Twitter Tuesday night (the best way to do it) when John Frank of the N&O tweeted that the Smith Center crowd booed Governor Perdue during a halftime presentation.
John Dervin from the Governor’s staff quickly tweeted to her defense. He said the boos were scattered and drowned out by applause. Republican tweeters quickly disagreed. The battle raged on Twitter yesterday, with both sides spinning and tweeting.