Birthers and Shariah Law
April 28, 2011 - by
The N&O front page today showed how Republicans are frittering away their once-in-a-blue-moon political advantage.
The more they talk about Obama’s birth certificate and the threat of Shariah law in America, the less they can take advantage of his real vulnerability, which was captured in an inside-page story: Americans are losing confidence in his handling of the economy.
For Obama, the more he can talk about how Republicans aren’t paying attention to the economy, the better he looks.
Obama’s greatest skill as a presidential candidate in 2008 was his ability to use his opponents as a foil. Ask Hillary Clinton, John McCain and – if she were lucid – Sarah Palin.
The Republicans are making it easy for him to do it again.
Ditto in North Carolina. The more time Republicans spend defending us against Muslim law, making it harder to vote and making it easier to take guns anywhere, the less time they are seen spending on people’s real economic anxieties.

Birthers and Shariah Law
April 28, 2011/

The N&O front page today showed how Republicans are frittering away their once-in-a-blue-moon political advantage.
The more they talk about Obama’s birth certificate and the threat of Shariah law in America, the less they can take advantage of his real vulnerability, which was captured in an inside-page story: Americans are losing confidence in his handling of the economy.
For Obama, the more he can talk about how Republicans aren’t paying attention to the economy, the better he looks.
Obama’s greatest skill as a presidential candidate in 2008 was his ability to use his opponents as a foil. Ask Hillary Clinton, John McCain and – if she were lucid – Sarah Palin.
The Republicans are making it easy for him to do it again.
Ditto in North Carolina. The more time Republicans spend defending us against Muslim law, making it harder to vote and making it easier to take guns anywhere, the less time they are seen spending on people’s real economic anxieties.