Now what?

Two questions arise now that Manafort and an associate have been charged. Will Trump go full Nixon and fire Mueller? If so, will the Republican Congress stand up for the rule of law? All eyes on Burr and Tillis.

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Flake out

Jeff Flake said it’s time to stand up. Then he said he’ll step down. Bob Corker stood up to Trump, but he’s also stepping down. George W. Bush gave an eloquent speech. But W, Poppy and Low-Energy Jeb are history. John McCain gave a great speech. But he has nothing to lose. For all the…

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The content of his character

Only Trump can turn what should have been a sympathetic call to a fallen soldier’s widow into a week-long (so far), racially charged brouhaha over who said what to who and who can say what to a four-star general. Americans may not be tired of winning yet. But many, even Trump voters, are getting tired…

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The anti-democratic (small d) party

Some Republicans have the annoying habit of calling us “the Democrat Party.” It’s an old slur, dating back to the 1940s and 1950s. Maybe “slur” is too strong a word. “Democrat Party” is more an insulting, annoying, derisive epithet. It conjures up “autocrat” or “bureaucrat” or just plain “rat.” When he was Speaker of the…

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Digging our own grave online

Back in the 1950s, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev boasted that “We will bury you.” Vladimir Putin figured out that if he just gave us the right tools, we’d bury ourselves. A spate of news stories explores how Russian misinformation (fake news) combined with Americans’ own rage and with our addiction to social media to affect…

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Trump’s bully pulpit

Trump puts the “bully” into Teddy Roosevelt’s “bully pulpit.” Trump has 40.3 million Twitter followers. Every morning, he gets up, picks up his cell phone and picks a fight with somebody. This week it’s “Liddle Bob Corker.” Last week it was his own Secretary of State. All the time now, it’s (black) NFL players. His…

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Now he tells us

Tennessee Senator Bob Corker uncorked on Trump in an interview with The New York Times, “Bob Corker Says Trump’s Recklessness Threatens ‘World War III’:” “(Corker) charged in an interview on Sunday that President Trump was treating his office like ‘a reality show,’ with reckless threats toward other countries that could set the nation ‘on the…

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Trump’s true colors

Something has always seemed off psychologically about Trump. The ego, the grandiosity, the thin skin. The missing link came into focus in Puerto Rico when he tossed the paper towels to hurricane victims: The man has no empathy for other human beings. His coldness and his contempt show when he is forced to mix with…

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