Posts by Gary Pearce
Trump’s Trap
If Republicans nominate Donald Trump next year, they’ll make the fatal mistake of making the election about Trump, not the American people. Their best chance to win is to attack Biden on the economy. But if Trump’s the candidate, he’ll make it all about him: his trials, grievances and threats of retribution. A majority of…
Read MoreWho’s That?
A recent Meredith College poll shows why you shouldn’t pay attention to early polls. Asked to identify photos of North Carolina’s top elected officials, most voters had no clue. 80% did identify Roy Cooper, who’s been governor for seven years and attorney general for 16 years. Still, 20% didn’t know him. And these were voters,…
Read MoreKeep Kamala
The single most suicidal, self-defeating thing Democrats could do is drop Vice President Kamala Harris from the ticket in 2024. Some Democrats want to, but that’s short-sighted. They don’t see the punch and power she brings to the ticket. Most important, she’s ready to be President now. She was a tough prosecutor who put sexual…
Read MoreSchool-Voucher Scam
For all the news sources in North Carolina, no one has done more to expose the school-voucher scam than a seventh-grade English teacher in Charlotte, Justin Parmenter. To see how vouchers misuse tax dollars and hurt public schools, follow him on Facebook, Twitter @JustinParmenter and his website, Notes from the Chalkboard. He found that the…
Read MoreMoral and Political Failure
The casinos-for-Medicaid deal collapsed in the state legislature partly because it was an epic political miscalculation. It was also profoundly cynical and morally wrong. The Republican leaders, Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger and Speaker Tim Moore, did the impossible: They united Trump Republicans and almost all Democrats against the deal. Democrats were outraged by…
Read MoreBonding Over BBQ
Anderson Clayton reminds me of Jim Hunt: the same energy, the same enthusiasm and the same determination to make North Carolina better – through the Democratic Party. A couple of us old Hunt hands saw that this week when the 86-year-old four-term governor and the 25-year-old first-term party chair met for the first time, at…
Read MoreCooper’s Casino Blast
Governor Roy Cooper measures his words carefully, so his tweet Saturday afternoon was striking: “GOP demand for passage of their backroom casino deal in exchange for a state budget and Medicaid expansion is the most brutally dishonest legislative scheme I’ve seen in my 3+ decades. People are right to be suspicious. Something has a grip…
Read MoreLauch Faircloth
Former Senator Lauch Faircloth, who died last week at age 95, was a Democrat before he got mad at Terry Sanford. Faircloth got his revenge and got elected to the U.S. Senate. Then he got beat by John Edwards. I was there for the whole Shakespearean saga of vengeance, ambition and – sometimes – comedy.…
Read MoreCalling Out Liars
Good for the Biden White House! The day after Speaker Kevin McCarthy caved in to the ultra-right and launched a bogus impeachment of the President, the White House fired back – and took a pointed jab at the media: “It’s Time For The Media To Do More To Scrutinize House Republicans’ Demonstrably False Claims That…
Read MoreFUBAR
In Washington, Republicans block military promotions (still), vowed to shut down the government (again) and launched a bogus impeachment of President Biden. In Raleigh, Republicans can’t pass a budget (still), adjourned without doing anything (again) and were at each other’s throats over casinos. In the press room of Raleigh’s Legislative Building, there’s a FUBAR Meter…
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