Posts by Gary Pearce
How Low Can They Go?
The Kelly Daughtry-Brad Knott race shows how low Republicans will go in their pathetic pandering to Donald Trump. The May 14 runoff in the 13th Congressional District, south and east of Raleigh, is all about who can bow down deepest to Trump. Bryan Anderson wrote in The Assembly, (“The GOP’s Family Feud”), that Daughtry’s father…
Read MoreMark Robinson is Wrong
Every time Mark Robinson speaks, he shows he’s unqualified, unprepared and too uninformed to be governor of North Carolina. The News & Observer got a tape of the Republican candidate telling the East Wake Republican Club in December that “it has already been proven that school systems get better results on less money.” Wrong, Mr.…
Read MoreDistract and Divide
It’s the oldest trick in the right-wing playbook: distract us by dividing us. Jim Blaine, a UNC-Chapel Hill trustee and Republican political operative, says the Republican-run legislature or the Republican-appointed Board of Governors will take action this year – an election year – against diversity programs in the University system. “It’s my belief that it…
Read MoreHoops Joy – and Fear
I’m as passionate about NC State basketball as I am about Democratic Party politics. So, I’m celebrating the men AND women making the Final Four. I also have a nagging fear about college basketball this year. It stems from the explosion of sports gambling, which came to North Carolina the same time as March Madness.…
Read MoreAmerican Trauma
An American history textbook published in 2050 might call the first quarter of the 21st Century “Time of Trauma.” “Trauma” explains a lot about our politics today. It started with 9/11, a shocking attack on the homeland. Briefly, we rallied and came together. Then we embarked on two misguided, misbegotten and ill-fated overseas wars that…
Read MoreBoth Sides Now?
Democratic heads exploded over this story in The News & Observer last week: “The two candidates running to lead North Carolina’s public schools are accusing each other of promoting radical agendas that would devastate public education in the state.” Democrats call that “both-sidesism.” Some journalists call it “balanced reporting.” It’s the practice of giving equal…
Read MoreRepublican vs Republican
Even Republicans think Republicans have gone too far in North Carolina. After losing the Republican primary for governor to Mark Robinson, Bill Graham said, “Mark Robinson is an unelectable candidate in the general election in North Carolina, and he puts a conservative future at risk for everyone, from the courthouse to the White House.” Paul…
Read MoreFour Years Ago
Republican National Committee chair Michael Whatley of North Carolina accidentally told the truth last week. On a Fox News show, Whatley (photo) said, “At the end of the day, this comes down to a very simple contrast between President Trump and President Biden. Were you better off four years ago than you are today? The…
Read MoreYDs Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Young Democrats are bringing new energy to the North Carolina party this year, but that’s only one reason I keep an eye on them. YD leaders today tend to become NC leaders tomorrow. I found this clip from The News & Observer, October 6, 1968, about that year’s state YD convention in Fayetteville. Reporter Dick…
Read MoreTrump’s VP
You may have laughed or recoiled at Senator Katie Britt’s State of the Union response, but Trump is thinking: “This is my kind of girl. She’s a looker, just my type. And she knows a woman’s place: in the kitchen. She won’t be like that damn Pence. She’ll do what I tell her.” Plus, Britt…
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