This blog is also posted on The Charlotte Observer’s DNC blog site. Gary, I’m guessing you slept very well last night and woke up this morning with a smile on your face. If I had a lick of sense I’d hang out a sign today that says “Gone Fishing” instead of writing about Bill…
Read MoreBill Clinton gave this campaign three things it hadn’t seen so far: substance, civility and good old Southern country-boy wit and charm. It was a powerful combination – and a tutorial in political communications. Where Tampa Republicans spewed venom and vitriol at President Obama, Clinton treated his opponents with kindness, courtesy and respect. Then…
Read MoreThis blog is also posted on The Charlotte Observer’s DNC blog site. It’s not about the conventions – it’s about the stories the conventions are telling. The Republicans’ story goes like this, Obama hasn’t done the job, let ‘em go. The Democrats’ story goes this way, We are more like you than Mitt…
Read MoreThis blog is also posted on The Charlotte Observer’s DNC blog site. There may not be, as John Edwards famously said, “two Americas.” But there sure are two parties with diametrically different views of America. That’s the value of conventions. Cynics may dismiss them, and TV viewers may ignore them. But the conventions…
Read MoreThis blog is also posted on The Charlotte Observer’s DNC blog site. In case you missed it there’re two new polls this week but nothing’s changed. Republicans are still voting rocklike for Romney, Democrats are still rocklike for Obama, and if you want a portrait of a swing voter she’s a mother with young…
Read MoreThis blog is also posted on The Charlotte Observer’s DNC blog site. Over the past few weeks, a stream of state and national reporters asked essentially the same question: “Was it a mistake for Democrats to come to Charlotte?” Let’s set aside the existential question of whether it’s ever a mistake to come…
Read MoreThe Romney campaign won a 24-hour news cycle on the “Are you better off?” question, but they may lose the election over it. Team Obama and the Democrats should relish this fight. And not worry about having been caught off guard – although that was inexcusable. Who won or lost the news cycle matters…
Read MoreThis blog is also posted on The Charlotte Observer’s DNC blog site. There’s one problem with the Clint Eastwood line that Carter likes: This week, the chair will talk back. Even better, President Bill Clinton probably will talk back. And say something like: “You’re right, Clint. When somebody doesn’t do the job,…
Read MoreThis blog also posted on The Charlotte Observer’s DNC blog site. One hundred and eighty years ago, back in 1832, the first Democratic Convention was an enclave of white men – today the Democratic Convention is an enlightened convocation with a Women’s Caucus, a Black Caucus, a Hispanic Caucus, an Ethnic Caucus, a Native…
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