With Carter’s help, George Holding had a simple message last fall that boiled down the Republican mantra: “Cut spending now.” It’s the one message that unites Republicans as they splinter over immigration, gay marriage and guns in the wake of Mitt Romney’s loss. Here’s the challenge for Democrats: What’s your alternative? House…
Read MoreAfter the bell rang ending the Second Round of the Obama versus Boehner Fiscal Cliff-Sequester match-up, Obama danced around the ring arms raised as John Boehner staggered back to his corner wobbly-kneed. Just six weeks ago, at the start of round two, the prim and proper Speaker was popular – viewed favorably by 29%…
Read More“I really don’t see it as an issue,” said Senator Buck Newton. “If it went from County A to County B, I’m not sure why County B would have a major objection to that.” “It” is waste brines and toxins from fracking, which – John Murawski reports in the N&O – could end up…
Read MoreA TAPster says this legislature is like a 15-year-old boy whose parents leave him home alone for the weekend. If a couple of friends come over and they drink a six-pack, he probably gets away with it. If he invites the whole high school to a drunken bash that wrecks the house, wakes…
Read MoreIt’s a fault of human nature: When you spend your own money you look at it one way but when you spend someone else’s money it’s a different story. Once, years ago, I served on a church-school board with a half dozen tight-fisted, hard-eyed businessmen who could squeeze a dollar out of a turnip.…
Read MoreWhat did we learn during the Republican legislature’s “Education Week”? That North Carolina ranks 48th in education spending. Legislative leaders bragged that this was the first time all school superintendents were invited to tell the legislature their concerns. The superintendents promptly warned against taking more money from the public schools and giving it to…
Read MoreNow that the Case of the Not-Blueprint Memo has been solved, Democrats and progressives can move on to important issues like what Republicans are doing on education, Medicaid, unemployment assistance, tax reform and … hold on, what’s that? Never mind. Apparently, we will move on to the new state Democratic chairman owing almost $290,000 in…
Read MoreTwo years ago, Republicans controlled the County Commissioners and the School Board and were happy. Then Democrats won the next School Board election – so they were happy and the Republican County Commissioners were unhappy. Next the Republican Commissioners decided to redraw the Democratic School Board members’ Districts to get them out of…
Read MoreBeing mean is not a formula for success in politics, and Governor McCrory may learn that lesson the hard way. Hold on, you say. What about Jesse Helms? He made a 30-year career out of being mean and picking on politically weak victims. Glad you asked. Here’s the difference: What works for a…
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With a better General Assembly, Josh Stein could join Jim Hunt and Terry Sanford on North…
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