The Governor, it appears, looking at his ailing poll numbers, figured the legislature had landed him in the soup, so it was only prudent to put some distance between himself and the Republican skunks in the General Assembly. Of course, it’s also sometimes difficult to trace the origin of a smell and to legislators it appears…
Read MoreA TAPster writes: “At least the Republicans were right when they said they would lead a transparent government. It’s pretty easy to see through their BS.”
Read MoreWith thick smoke clouds billowing out of the Capitol it’s hard to see who’s winning the latest war in Washington – plus, it isn’t a simple us versus them war: It’s a three tribe melee (with two camps of Republicans fighting Obama and each other at the same time). At first, a couple of…
Read MoreThat’s what one TAPster suggests Governor McCrory needs. The question is whether the legislature will perform the procedure. When the legislature adjourned, the Governor worried that the honorables were dragging down his approval ratings. So he vetoed a couple of bills. That didn’t work out. Now, GOP legislators worry that the Governor and…
Read MoreA few days ago I wrote how Secretary Aldona Wos, who’d landed in the briar patch, would be wise to step up and start telling her side of the story. Last Friday she did. Now, listening to Dr. Wos is interesting. One moment she’s skating effortlessly across a sheet of rhetorical ice using…
Read MoreGovernor McCrory has to hope that Aldona Wos and the high-paid operatives around her pull off a miracle at DHHS. Because he clearly can’t fire her. Wos is the most powerful person in Raleigh today. Back in January, it looked like Budget Czar Art Pope was. Then, during the legislature, it was Senator Phil…
Read MoreI’m always looking for something nice to say about a Republican. But Dan Forest? Sorry, I’ve got to do it. Monday, I posted a blog (Let Teachers Teach) saying we should pay teachers $100,000 a year. Then, on Wednesday, Lieutenant Governor Forest called for North Carolina to pay the nation’s highest teaching salaries. Asked…
Read MoreNo matter how many hours she works each day or how hard she tries Aldona Wos can’t seem to catch a break. Almost as soon as she took her job (as Secretary of Health and Human Services) she got flattened by two budget overruns. Then she got run over by two more multi-million dollar…
Read MoreGovernor McCrory has learned one thing about his new job: He’s not in Charlotte anymore, Toto. And he doesn’t like it. At a news conference, the Governor vented thinly veiled frustration at how politics is played in Raleigh. WRAL reported: “Asked if he was concerned about the scrutiny DHHS has faced, McCrory said…
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