Manna doesn’t fall from heaven often and falls on politicians least often of all but after Roy Cooper said he was dead-set against letting Duke Energy add the costs of cleaning up its coal ash ponds to its customers’ electric bills, Governor McCrory pounced – and it was ole Roy’s lucky day. Last fall, in…
Read MoreISIS is selling women at open-air slave markets; Iraq’s awash with Iranian soldiers; the Taliban’s waiting for us to high-tail it so it can take-over Afghanistan; Putin’s gobbled up the Crimea; and Iran’s marching down the road to a nuclear bomb. So with Obama in the running for the weakest President in memory, after Republicans…
Read MoreSay what you will about Ronald Reagan, he looked like a President. Not a soul on his stage last night measured up. Air Force One was a fitting backdrop. You couldn’t imagine any one of the candidates walking down those steps and representing the United States of America. Trump’s act wore thin. And it didn’t…
Read MoreAt least Democrats left out of the budget process have company: Governor McCrory. Lobbyists report that, just like them, McCrory was calling around last weekend trying to find out what was in the budget. It wasn’t just that he had no impact. He had no information. Never has a Governor had so little clout with…
Read MoreIt was like watching the toughest football player from Phillips Andover Academy set out to put a street kid from Queens in his place and getting the surprise of his life. Quiet and polite Jeb Bush, of Phillips Andover Academy, rolled out a video saying Donald Trump was a Manhattan liberal. In the blink of…
Read MoreAnybody who has ever worked on campaign debate prep will recognize the coming train wreck in this New York Times story about Jeb! Bush: “In rigorous practice sessions that have crisscrossed the country in the past few weeks, Mr. Bush has been preparing pointed responses to Mr. Trump’s most frequent insults (he has called Mr.…
Read MoreIn North Carolina, thousands rally for an aging lefty in his race against Bill and Hillary Clinton’s New Democratic Party. In Britain, Tony Blair’s New Labour Party picks an aging, even-leftier lefty for its new leader. What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here? What’s going on isn’t just on the…
Read MoreThe first thing you saw in Donald Trump’s video was a mug shot of an illegal immigrant who’d murdered a girl and the next thing you heard was Jeb Bush’s voice saying illegal immigration wasn’t a crime it was an act of love. Donald Trump’s first video was short, brutal and to the point. The…
Read MoreThe New York Times wrote a story telling how a man bought a twelve year old girl as a sex slave, tied her, gagged her, knelt by the bed, prayed, then stood over her and explained how, because she was a heathen, raping her was going to bring him closer to God. The Yazidis –…
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