A nation already deeply divided by race and politics is now divided more deeply by race, murder and retribution. Videos show police officers killing black suspects. Videos show the carnage as a black sniper kills police officers in revenge. We line up: Black Lives Matter. Blue Lives Matter. All Lives Matter. To invoke one or…
Read MoreDonald Trump keeps saying, When I’m President I’m going to make the greatest deals you ever saw and I’ll be the greatest jobs President God ever created and When I’m President you’re going to be so happy but America’s jaded voters have been fooled by too many politicians to believe a line like ‘I’m going…
Read MoreIt’s pretty hard to convict a politician of corruption but a well-meaning soul over in the State House tried to change that by putting a provision in a crime bill to allow Grand Juries to investigate politicians in bribery and corruption cases. There was probably never a bill politicians were less likely to pass but,…
Read MoreSurveying the Presidential race and the Brexit vote, a smart young political pro observed this week, “We’re living in a post-factual world.” Facts and truth don’t matter. You can say what you want, and you can pick whatever facts, Internet rumors or just plain lies fit your opinion. Way back in the dark ages, when…
Read MoreFederal judges in Richmond deciding school board districts in Wake County sounds odd but in another way it’s a bit of time-honored Americana. Make no mistake: Redistricting is raw politics. It isn’t a fight between right and wrong. Or two philosophies. It’s a power grab. And every chance they get both parties grab for…
Read MoreThis election should be a slam dunk for Hillary Clinton. But turnovers are keeping the game too close. She is superbly qualified to be President. She has long fought on the right side of progress. Her opponent is one of the most despised, dreaded and dangerous men ever to run for President. But then (always)…
Read MoreWe think our politics today is more screwed than ever before but here’s a quote from a politician during the age of horse drawn carriages: In 1860, President James Buchanan said, I don’t think states have a right to secede. But, if a state does secede, I don’t think the federal government has a right…
Read MoreLaying in bed reading a short biography of Abraham Lincoln by James McPherson, one of those lost jewels of history popped up: McPherson wrote how before the 1858 election the Illinois politicians redrew state legislative districts to favor Democrats – which made a difference because back in those days United States Senators weren’t elected by…
Read MoreIf Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz had run an ad like this back during the primary Donald Trump might not be the Republican nominee for President. Link to ad. Delegates Unbound (which is one of the Republican ‘Never Trump’ groups) has set out to make the case Donald Trump doesn’t have the…
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