America in The Golden Age

This may be the single craziest thing the United States Government has ever done. The President and the Congress – Democrats and Republicans alike – decided it was a good idea to go out and buy a billion dollars worth of ‘clunkers’ then the response was so phenomenal it took them by surprise. Apparently they never dreamed people would line up to get free money – so in the blink of an eye Congress decided to give away another $2 billion, then, just to prove they know how to dress up a sow’s ear as a silk purse, they announced they’d just saved the auto industry from extinction and dealt global warming a lethal blow at the same time.
Someday, somewhere, in a galaxy far away, in a not too distant future, a historian is going to look back at America at the dawn of the Third Millennium and write:
At the dawn of time Egyptian Civilization gave men the Pyramids.
Then the Babylonians created the Hanging Gardens.
The Greeks built the Parthenon.
The Romans the Pantheon.
And, finally, in the flowering of a Golden Age like none ever seen before, American civilization gave us…the ‘clunker.’
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Carter Wrenn



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America in The Golden Age

This may be the single craziest thing the United States Government has ever done. The President and the Congress – Democrats and Republicans alike – decided it was a good idea to go out and buy a billion dollars worth of ‘clunkers’ then the response was so phenomenal it took them by surprise. Apparently they never dreamed people would line up to get free money – so in the blink of an eye Congress decided to give away another $2 billion, then, just to prove they know how to dress up a sow’s ear as a silk purse, they announced they’d just saved the auto industry from extinction and dealt global warming a lethal blow at the same time.
Someday, somewhere, in a galaxy far away, in a not too distant future, a historian is going to look back at America at the dawn of the Third Millennium and write:
At the dawn of time Egyptian Civilization gave men the Pyramids.
Then the Babylonians created the Hanging Gardens.
The Greeks built the Parthenon.
The Romans the Pantheon.
And, finally, in the flowering of a Golden Age like none ever seen before, American civilization gave us…the ‘clunker.’
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Carter Wrenn

