A Woman’s Prerogative
August 19, 2009 - by
My wife is an unusual woman. She sets her course, steers by it, only rarely changes her mind and her wisdom is such that almost always – with the exception being when she slipped and married me – everything works out fine.
On the other hand, we’ve all heard the old saying, It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind.
Governor Perdue exercised her prerogative last Friday.
Just a week ago the Governor was dead-set on telling everyone in sight she just couldn’t cut one more penny out of the state budget. If she did, she said, the schools would break down. Teachers would be out of work. Students would sink into a morass of ignorance. The hardship would be unbearable. It would be like the world ending.
So she just had to raise taxes a billion dollars.
Then exactly one week to the day after she signed her new tax increase, she changed her mind. Governor Perdue announced she was ordering every department in state government to cut spending 5% – a billion dollars.
I wonder if, maybe, now that she’s found a way to cut spending – she’ll give the tax increase back?
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats
A Woman’s Prerogative
August 19, 2009/
My wife is an unusual woman. She sets her course, steers by it, only rarely changes her mind and her wisdom is such that almost always – with the exception being when she slipped and married me – everything works out fine.
On the other hand, we’ve all heard the old saying, It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind.
Governor Perdue exercised her prerogative last Friday.
Just a week ago the Governor was dead-set on telling everyone in sight she just couldn’t cut one more penny out of the state budget. If she did, she said, the schools would break down. Teachers would be out of work. Students would sink into a morass of ignorance. The hardship would be unbearable. It would be like the world ending.
So she just had to raise taxes a billion dollars.
Then exactly one week to the day after she signed her new tax increase, she changed her mind. Governor Perdue announced she was ordering every department in state government to cut spending 5% – a billion dollars.
I wonder if, maybe, now that she’s found a way to cut spending – she’ll give the tax increase back?
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats