A Nosedive
September 22, 2014 - by
The way the President figures it the Iraqi army’s going to supply the ‘boots on the ground’ to whip ISIS but the other day, up in Congress, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said half the Iraqi army isn’t fit to fight and the other half will have to be rebuilt “with U.S. training and equipment” before it can fight.
Part One of the President’s plan to whip ISIS is bombing – and that’s going fine.
But Part Two – putting Iraqi boots on the ground – just took a nosedive.

A Nosedive
September 22, 2014/

The way the President figures it the Iraqi army’s going to supply the ‘boots on the ground’ to whip ISIS but the other day, up in Congress, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said half the Iraqi army isn’t fit to fight and the other half will have to be rebuilt “with U.S. training and equipment” before it can fight.
Part One of the President’s plan to whip ISIS is bombing – and that’s going fine.
But Part Two – putting Iraqi boots on the ground – just took a nosedive.