Gilding the Lily Can Be Risky?
Rudy Giuliani has done a little lily gilding of his own, declaring in a campaign appearance he’d “been in the ruins of the
Unfortunately for the Mayor that wasn’t how the workers remembered it. They complained. And the New York Times did an analysis that showed the Mayor spent twenty-nine hours at Ground Zero in the three months following 9/11 – while “most of the clean-up workers averaged 400 hours.” (News and Observer)
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Gilding the Lily Can Be Risky?

Rudy Giuliani has done a little lily gilding of his own, declaring in a campaign appearance he’d “been in the ruins of the
Unfortunately for the Mayor that wasn’t how the workers remembered it. They complained. And the New York Times did an analysis that showed the Mayor spent twenty-nine hours at Ground Zero in the three months following 9/11 – while “most of the clean-up workers averaged 400 hours.” (News and Observer)
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