Who lied? And why?

This is a test. Read that.

Leaning across the table Judge Gavin handed Mike and Vic a newspaper article: At the impeachment trial Trump’s lawyer said the House Judiciary Committee denied Trump the fundamental “right to cross examine witnesses” and that same day, before the sun set, the Associated Press reported “That’s false.”

Who’s lying? Judge Gavin asked.

Fake news, Mike shot back.

Trump’s lawyer lied, Vic said in the next breath.

Give me your proof, the judge said.

That started a rambling argument between Mike and Vic with Vic saying Trump lies every time he opens his mouth and Mike saying the media hates Trump.

I hear opinions, the judge said. But no facts.

Mike laid both arms on the table. You got a point?

The waitress served lunch. As I watched her walk away the judge said, When your Trump nerve gets dinged what comes out of your mouth is a reflex – neither of you stops to think. You’re both slaves to that nerve.

So who do you say lied?

If I knew that I’d ask you one of two questions: Either, why did the President’s lawyer lie?or, Why did the Associated Press lie?

But neither Mike or Vic cared about why – saying ‘Trump lied’ or ‘Fake News’ was enough.

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Carter Wrenn



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Who lied? And why?

This is a test. Read that.

Leaning across the table Judge Gavin handed Mike and Vic a newspaper article: At the impeachment trial Trump’s lawyer said the House Judiciary Committee denied Trump the fundamental “right to cross examine witnesses” and that same day, before the sun set, the Associated Press reported “That’s false.”

Who’s lying? Judge Gavin asked.

Fake news, Mike shot back.

Trump’s lawyer lied, Vic said in the next breath.

Give me your proof, the judge said.

That started a rambling argument between Mike and Vic with Vic saying Trump lies every time he opens his mouth and Mike saying the media hates Trump.

I hear opinions, the judge said. But no facts.

Mike laid both arms on the table. You got a point?

The waitress served lunch. As I watched her walk away the judge said, When your Trump nerve gets dinged what comes out of your mouth is a reflex – neither of you stops to think. You’re both slaves to that nerve.

So who do you say lied?

If I knew that I’d ask you one of two questions: Either, why did the President’s lawyer lie?or, Why did the Associated Press lie?

But neither Mike or Vic cared about why – saying ‘Trump lied’ or ‘Fake News’ was enough.

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Carter Wrenn

