
In both of the last two Presidential elections, North Carolina was one of the two closest states.

Here we go again.

The Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll shows Clinton up 2 here, Ross and Burr tied and Cooper up 3.

The final New York Times Upshot/Siena College poll for North Carolina showed Clinton and Trump tied at 44, Burr up 1 and Cooper up 1.

Two X Factors will decide these races.

One, which will prove more effective: the Republican voter-suppression effort or the Clinton turnout machine? The early-vote limits held down African-American turnout. Can the Clinton campaign make up the lost ground Election Day?

Two, did the FBI announcement Sunday undo the damage done to Clinton by the FBI’s initial announcement?

Here’s the good news (maybe): We should know early. And if Clinton wins North Carolina, Democrats across the country can pop the champagne corks.


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Gary Pearce




In both of the last two Presidential elections, North Carolina was one of the two closest states.

Here we go again.

The Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll shows Clinton up 2 here, Ross and Burr tied and Cooper up 3.

The final New York Times Upshot/Siena College poll for North Carolina showed Clinton and Trump tied at 44, Burr up 1 and Cooper up 1.

Two X Factors will decide these races.

One, which will prove more effective: the Republican voter-suppression effort or the Clinton turnout machine? The early-vote limits held down African-American turnout. Can the Clinton campaign make up the lost ground Election Day?

Two, did the FBI announcement Sunday undo the damage done to Clinton by the FBI’s initial announcement?

Here’s the good news (maybe): We should know early. And if Clinton wins North Carolina, Democrats across the country can pop the champagne corks.


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Gary Pearce

