Stay the Course, Herman!

Spermin’ Herman Cain needs to ignore the lamestream media – and the parade of women – and stay in the presidential race.
It will be a sad campaign without him. His entertainment value knows no bounds. What would this year have been like without his electrified border fence, his halting uncertainty about Libya and – most of all – “9-9-9”?
Without Herman, it’s all too predictable. Mitt is predictably perfect and boring. Newt is predictably smarmy. Rick predictably dumb. Michelle predictably nuts. Ron Paul predictably Ron Paul. Santorum and Huntsman just boring.
What will we do without Herman to kick around?
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Gary Pearce



Stay the Course, Herman!

Spermin’ Herman Cain needs to ignore the lamestream media – and the parade of women – and stay in the presidential race.
It will be a sad campaign without him. His entertainment value knows no bounds. What would this year have been like without his electrified border fence, his halting uncertainty about Libya and – most of all – “9-9-9”?
Without Herman, it’s all too predictable. Mitt is predictably perfect and boring. Newt is predictably smarmy. Rick predictably dumb. Michelle predictably nuts. Ron Paul predictably Ron Paul. Santorum and Huntsman just boring.
What will we do without Herman to kick around?
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Gary Pearce

