31 Million Reasons

President Obama and the Democrats are doing a better job ramming health-care reform through the Senate than explaining it.
They should try this message: 31 million.
That’s the number of uninsured Americans who will get health insurance over the next decade because of the bill. That’s not Democratic rhetoric. That’s from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
The cost? Well, the CBO says the bill will CUT the deficit.
Only a Republican could fuss, fume and fulminate because 31 million fellow Americans will get better health care.
Instead of worrying that society is losing the true meaning of Christmas, Republicans should practice what Jesus preached.
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Gary Pearce



31 Million Reasons

President Obama and the Democrats are doing a better job ramming health-care reform through the Senate than explaining it.
They should try this message: 31 million.
That’s the number of uninsured Americans who will get health insurance over the next decade because of the bill. That’s not Democratic rhetoric. That’s from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
The cost? Well, the CBO says the bill will CUT the deficit.
Only a Republican could fuss, fume and fulminate because 31 million fellow Americans will get better health care.
Instead of worrying that society is losing the true meaning of Christmas, Republicans should practice what Jesus preached.
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Gary Pearce

