
In Trump’s America, every day is Halloween. His political MO is fear. He sees ghosts, goblins and boogeymen everywhere. His rallies stoke fear and loathing. He can’t even sustain a forced show of empathy for mass-shooting victims; his Twitter finger itches to get back to picking on somebody or just picking at scabs. He’ll never…

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I love October now

I hated October when I worked in campaigns. It was the worst month. You were already dead tired when October got here. Then things got worse. Busier, crazier and more stressful. Ask anybody in a campaign how they’re doing in October, and they all say: “I’ll just be glad when it’s over.” You count down…

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Move on

Does Trump (“Tiny”) really think it’s right to get in a Twitter fight with a porn star (“Horseface”)? Does Mitch McConnell (“Turtle”) really think it’s right to say the deficit is so big (thanks to Republican tax cuts) that Congress has to cut Social Security and Medicare? Does Elizabeth Warren (“Pocahontas”) really think it’s right…

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They’re cooperating!!

The Raleigh political world is abuzz and agog! The legislature and the Governor are cooperating! Democrats and Republicans are working together on hurricane relief!! Oh, happy day!!! Has a new age dawned? Have we entered an era of bipartisanship, brotherly love and dogs and cats living together? Not so fast, my friend. Pardon my cynicism,…

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Mad Men

Just as Hurricane Florence upended the Carolinas, Hurricane Kavanaugh has upended the 2018 elections. Will there be a blue wave? Or will it look like that NASA photo of dark and dirty waters flooding into the ocean after Florence? It comes down to who is maddest. Is it women (and men who support them) energized…

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