A Picture Worth a Thousand Words?

Some sharp-eyed TAPsters were struck by this photo of Governor McCrory signing the state budget today.
One noted, “Legislators are usually jockeying to get in a bill-signing photo.”
Not today. Apparently, only two legislators were on hand: Sen. Neal Hunt, who is not running again, and Rep. Nelson Dollar, who represents a heavily gerrymandered district. No Speaker Tillis, no Senator Berger.
One TAPster said that every other person in the picture works for the Governor, including Art Pope.
You are invited to offer your own interpretation.
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Gary Pearce



A Picture Worth a Thousand Words?

Some sharp-eyed TAPsters were struck by this photo of Governor McCrory signing the state budget today.
One noted, “Legislators are usually jockeying to get in a bill-signing photo.”
Not today. Apparently, only two legislators were on hand: Sen. Neal Hunt, who is not running again, and Rep. Nelson Dollar, who represents a heavily gerrymandered district. No Speaker Tillis, no Senator Berger.
One TAPster said that every other person in the picture works for the Governor, including Art Pope.
You are invited to offer your own interpretation.
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Gary Pearce

