YouTube Politics

I didn’t know what YouTube was until my wife and children introduced me to it. Now, my 17-year-old, James, uses it to keep me current on what’s really happening in politics. Once again, the potential power of the Internet amazes me.

Go to this link and you’ll see what I mean:

It’s a clip of Vernon Robinson being interviewed on Fox’s Hannity & Colmes about a particularly ridiculous attack ad he made, but claims never ran. It is a stumbling, evasive performance worthy of Richard Nixon.

My suggestion to the Brad Miller campaign: Simply email this link to everybody you can. Let them see for themselves the real Vernon Robinson.

And if you don’t have tens of thousands of email addresses, your campaign hasn’t done what it should in today’s New Media world.

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Gary Pearce



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YouTube Politics

I didn’t know what YouTube was until my wife and children introduced me to it. Now, my 17-year-old, James, uses it to keep me current on what’s really happening in politics. Once again, the potential power of the Internet amazes me.

Go to this link and you’ll see what I mean:

It’s a clip of Vernon Robinson being interviewed on Fox’s Hannity & Colmes about a particularly ridiculous attack ad he made, but claims never ran. It is a stumbling, evasive performance worthy of Richard Nixon.

My suggestion to the Brad Miller campaign: Simply email this link to everybody you can. Let them see for themselves the real Vernon Robinson.

And if you don’t have tens of thousands of email addresses, your campaign hasn’t done what it should in today’s New Media world.

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Gary Pearce

