You Want To See What? The Books? No Way!
There’s another scandal brewing in the State House, around Rep. Mary McAllister (D–Fayetteville).
Last session Rep. McAllister slipped a line in a bill to give $500,000 to a non-profit that pays her a $115,000 a year salary. She also failed to disclose her conflict of interest.
When the State Auditor found out he showed up in Fayetteville at Rep. McAllister’s non-profit – Operation Sickle Cell – and asked to see the books.
He was promptly told No. Then, for the first time in a decade, the State Auditor had to go to court to get a subpoena to see how a non-profit spent state money.
Rep. McAllister didn’t give up without a fight. She hired a lawyer, sent him to court, and demanded that the judge issue a restraining order – against the State Auditor.
This time the judge said No. So, the auditor’s going to see Rep. McAllister’s books and the rest of us are waiting to see how she spent the $500,000.
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You Want To See What? The Books? No Way!

There’s another scandal brewing in the State House, around Rep. Mary McAllister (D–Fayetteville).
Last session Rep. McAllister slipped a line in a bill to give $500,000 to a non-profit that pays her a $115,000 a year salary. She also failed to disclose her conflict of interest.
When the State Auditor found out he showed up in Fayetteville at Rep. McAllister’s non-profit – Operation Sickle Cell – and asked to see the books.
He was promptly told No. Then, for the first time in a decade, the State Auditor had to go to court to get a subpoena to see how a non-profit spent state money.
Rep. McAllister didn’t give up without a fight. She hired a lawyer, sent him to court, and demanded that the judge issue a restraining order – against the State Auditor.
This time the judge said No. So, the auditor’s going to see Rep. McAllister’s books and the rest of us are waiting to see how she spent the $500,000.
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