You Can’t Keep a Secret
The highly respected consulting firm McKinsey & Co. – and the much-maligned North Carolina Department of Transportation – are both living in a dream world. They are under the delusion they can spend $3.6 million of the people’s money on an assessment of the department, then keep it secret. Not only keep the report secret, but also keep the details of their agreement secret. Dream on. As a long-time and very wise Capitol observer told me recently, the world has changed: “Today, if it’s not transparent, it’s not legal.” The biggest dreamer in Raleigh may be DOT’s chief financial officer, Mark Foster, who was quoted in the N&O as saying: “No, there is no report ….They gave us a presentation on their software or whatever, of what they found.” Foster added: “This is not a secretive thing by any means.” Earth to Mark Foster: This doesn’t pass the laugh test. Earth to DOT: Give it up. Now. You are going to lose this fight. You will have to back down. Don’t prolong the agony. Apologize today. Release the contract. And tell McKinsey to produce a written report. Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.

You Can’t Keep a Secret

The highly respected consulting firm McKinsey & Co. – and the much-maligned North Carolina Department of Transportation – are both living in a dream world. They are under the delusion they can spend $3.6 million of the people’s money on an assessment of the department, then keep it secret. Not only keep the report secret, but also keep the details of their agreement secret. Dream on. As a long-time and very wise Capitol observer told me recently, the world has changed: “Today, if it’s not transparent, it’s not legal.” The biggest dreamer in Raleigh may be DOT’s chief financial officer, Mark Foster, who was quoted in the N&O as saying: “No, there is no report ….They gave us a presentation on their software or whatever, of what they found.” Foster added: “This is not a secretive thing by any means.” Earth to Mark Foster: This doesn’t pass the laugh test. Earth to DOT: Give it up. Now. You are going to lose this fight. You will have to back down. Don’t prolong the agony. Apologize today. Release the contract. And tell McKinsey to produce a written report. Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles.