You Can’t Have It Both Ways, Bev
So much for Bev Perdue’s no more negative attacks pledge. She just called Richard Moore, Jesse Helms – which is about as mean a charge as you can lay on a fellow in a Democratic Primary.
Then, in case anyone missed her point, she added Moore (who attacked for her for voting, twenty-years ago, against a bill to make it easier for the SBI to investigate groups like the KKK) was guilty of race baiting.
Forgetting her convoluted logic (this has to be the first time anyone has claimed saying they’re pro-Klan is race-baiting) this has to be a record for flip-flopping. Calling your opponent Jesse Helms a week after abjuring negative attacks.
You can’t have it both ways, Bev.

You Can’t Have It Both Ways, Bev

So much for Bev Perdue’s no more negative attacks pledge. She just called Richard Moore, Jesse Helms – which is about as mean a charge as you can lay on a fellow in a Democratic Primary.
Then, in case anyone missed her point, she added Moore (who attacked for her for voting, twenty-years ago, against a bill to make it easier for the SBI to investigate groups like the KKK) was guilty of race baiting.
Forgetting her convoluted logic (this has to be the first time anyone has claimed saying they’re pro-Klan is race-baiting) this has to be a record for flip-flopping. Calling your opponent Jesse Helms a week after abjuring negative attacks.
You can’t have it both ways, Bev.