Wrong answer
April 13, 2012 - by
Gary used to tell a story about Tony Rand, running for Lt. Governor, debating Jim Gardner back in 1988: Gardner let fly and ripped into Tony saying he was a backroom politician who along with eight other backroom politicians (who called themselves the ‘Gang of Eight’) had written the whole state budget in secret in a behind closed doors deal that stunk to high heaven.
Tony looked back at Gardener and said, That’s not true. There were only four people in that room.
The other night down in Johnston County Ilario Pantano and David Rouzer had a debate and Pantano lit into Rouzer saying Rouzer was a Washington lobbyist who’d spent twenty years in Washington wheeling and dealing and Rouzer shot back, That’s not true. I only spent ten years in Washington.
Wrong answer.

Wrong answer
April 13, 2012/

Gary used to tell a story about Tony Rand, running for Lt. Governor, debating Jim Gardner back in 1988: Gardner let fly and ripped into Tony saying he was a backroom politician who along with eight other backroom politicians (who called themselves the ‘Gang of Eight’) had written the whole state budget in secret in a behind closed doors deal that stunk to high heaven.
Tony looked back at Gardener and said, That’s not true. There were only four people in that room.
The other night down in Johnston County Ilario Pantano and David Rouzer had a debate and Pantano lit into Rouzer saying Rouzer was a Washington lobbyist who’d spent twenty years in Washington wheeling and dealing and Rouzer shot back, That’s not true. I only spent ten years in Washington.
Wrong answer.