Wish Lists
The City Council has sent a wish-list of programs it wants the federal government to fund to
Let’s classify the six projects the newspaper reported three ways: Necessary Projects, Nice Projects (but not immediately necessary) and Luxuries.
Necessary Projects
$5.6 Million – in “homeland security grants to upgrade a communications network.”
Nice Projects
$14 Million – to “develop
$5 Million – for “a new
$250,000 – to “make the Chavis park carousel a year-round attraction.”
$3.3 Million – for “furnishings, public art and trees on
$1.4 Million – for “a climate controlled building around the
That’s 29.5 million in programs: 19% of the money to be spent on necessities, 64% on nice projects and 17% on luxuries. (Note: The City Council is spending almost as much on luxuries as necessities.)
With the Mayor proposing to spend $3.3 million for trees on
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Wish Lists

The City Council has sent a wish-list of programs it wants the federal government to fund to
Let’s classify the six projects the newspaper reported three ways: Necessary Projects, Nice Projects (but not immediately necessary) and Luxuries.
Necessary Projects
$5.6 Million – in “homeland security grants to upgrade a communications network.”
Nice Projects
$14 Million – to “develop
$5 Million – for “a new
$250,000 – to “make the Chavis park carousel a year-round attraction.”
$3.3 Million – for “furnishings, public art and trees on
$1.4 Million – for “a climate controlled building around the
That’s 29.5 million in programs: 19% of the money to be spent on necessities, 64% on nice projects and 17% on luxuries. (Note: The City Council is spending almost as much on luxuries as necessities.)
With the Mayor proposing to spend $3.3 million for trees on
To comment, send us an email to comment@talkingaboutpolitics.com.