March 14, 2011 - by
I don’t understand exactly what ‘collective bargaining’ means but if it means what it sounds like – a group of workers banding together to increase their power when they bargain for better pay – it seems they have a right to do that.
At the same time, looking at what is happening in Wisconsin it sure looks like Public Employees Unions and Wall Street Bankers have one vice in common – they’re both addicted to reaching into the public treasury for other people’s money. In fact, it looks like all the Public Service Union’s money comes from taxpayers, which means their salaries depend a lot more on politics than economics – so, naturally, they’ve built themselves a thermonuclear political machine.
Each election Public Service Unions spend a hundred million dollars to elect their friends, then after the election they send their lobbyists to their friends and it works like a charm: Public workers (collectively) have the best health care benefits and the best pensions in the nation and (on average) they earn more than workers in the private sector.
The obvious question is: So why do they even need collective bargaining?
More subtly, the question is: Have public workers become a privileged political class – enjoying a lifestyle the taxpayers themselves cannot afford?

March 14, 2011/

I don’t understand exactly what ‘collective bargaining’ means but if it means what it sounds like – a group of workers banding together to increase their power when they bargain for better pay – it seems they have a right to do that.
At the same time, looking at what is happening in Wisconsin it sure looks like Public Employees Unions and Wall Street Bankers have one vice in common – they’re both addicted to reaching into the public treasury for other people’s money. In fact, it looks like all the Public Service Union’s money comes from taxpayers, which means their salaries depend a lot more on politics than economics – so, naturally, they’ve built themselves a thermonuclear political machine.
Each election Public Service Unions spend a hundred million dollars to elect their friends, then after the election they send their lobbyists to their friends and it works like a charm: Public workers (collectively) have the best health care benefits and the best pensions in the nation and (on average) they earn more than workers in the private sector.
The obvious question is: So why do they even need collective bargaining?
More subtly, the question is: Have public workers become a privileged political class – enjoying a lifestyle the taxpayers themselves cannot afford?