Why Democrats Lost in North Carolina
November 9, 2012 - by
Democrats lived through about their worst election ever Tuesday night: Republicans whipped them in the races for Governor, Lt. Governor, elected three new Congressmen and gained seats in the State House and Senate – so how, post election, are Democratic pundits explaining their world falling apart? Here’s what they’re saying:
‘That darn Art Pope with his boat loads of money is the villain.’
Now for Democratic pundits Art Pope’s a boogieman out of their nightmares, but, with all respect to Art, I’d say the person most responsible for Walter Dalton’s defeat was Beverly Perdue. The Democratic pundits also said:
‘Chad Barefoot raised three times more than Doug Berger; Neal Hunt raised four times more than Sig Hutchinson; Republicans spent $2 million to elect Paul Newby. Republicans bought the election. That’s why they won pure and simple.’
And, of course a lot of Democratic pundits are adding: ‘The Republicans’ perfidious redistricting plan undid us.’
Now, all that’s fine and true but it’s also good old-fashioned woe-is-me-blame-someone-else handwringing. Blaming Art Pope for Walter Dalton, Linda Coleman, Sam Ervin and thirty or forty Democratic legislators losing is probably emotionally soothing for a grieving pundit – but wasn’t there anything Democrats did wrong to land themselves in this soup?

Why Democrats Lost in North Carolina
November 9, 2012/

Democrats lived through about their worst election ever Tuesday night: Republicans whipped them in the races for Governor, Lt. Governor, elected three new Congressmen and gained seats in the State House and Senate – so how, post election, are Democratic pundits explaining their world falling apart? Here’s what they’re saying:
‘That darn Art Pope with his boat loads of money is the villain.’
Now for Democratic pundits Art Pope’s a boogieman out of their nightmares, but, with all respect to Art, I’d say the person most responsible for Walter Dalton’s defeat was Beverly Perdue. The Democratic pundits also said:
‘Chad Barefoot raised three times more than Doug Berger; Neal Hunt raised four times more than Sig Hutchinson; Republicans spent $2 million to elect Paul Newby. Republicans bought the election. That’s why they won pure and simple.’
And, of course a lot of Democratic pundits are adding: ‘The Republicans’ perfidious redistricting plan undid us.’
Now, all that’s fine and true but it’s also good old-fashioned woe-is-me-blame-someone-else handwringing. Blaming Art Pope for Walter Dalton, Linda Coleman, Sam Ervin and thirty or forty Democratic legislators losing is probably emotionally soothing for a grieving pundit – but wasn’t there anything Democrats did wrong to land themselves in this soup?