Who’s Got the Cash?
The Democratic Party had the cash in the State Legislative elections this year. They outspent the Republicans five to one – $5.8 million to $1.1 million. It’s a truism in politics that nine times out of ten the candidate with the most cash wins and Democrats gained seats in both the House and Senate.
Post election, we Republicans face two serious problems. We need to jettison the toothless ‘lobbying reforms’ the Democrats passed earlier this year and, at least, try to replace them with legislation to dismantle the ‘pay to play’ money machine that funds Democrats. Then, if we’re going to win the legislative elections, we need to roll up our sleeves and get serious about the business of raising money. That’s not easy. No candidate or party official enjoys the grind of fundraising. But it’s an unavoidable hurdle a serious political organization has to overcome to win elections.
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Who’s Got the Cash?

The Democratic Party had the cash in the State Legislative elections this year. They outspent the Republicans five to one – $5.8 million to $1.1 million. It’s a truism in politics that nine times out of ten the candidate with the most cash wins and Democrats gained seats in both the House and Senate.
Post election, we Republicans face two serious problems. We need to jettison the toothless ‘lobbying reforms’ the Democrats passed earlier this year and, at least, try to replace them with legislation to dismantle the ‘pay to play’ money machine that funds Democrats. Then, if we’re going to win the legislative elections, we need to roll up our sleeves and get serious about the business of raising money. That’s not easy. No candidate or party official enjoys the grind of fundraising. But it’s an unavoidable hurdle a serious political organization has to overcome to win elections.
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