Who Can You Trust?
July 17, 2010 - by
It’s a bad time for once-trusted institutions.
Highway Patrol: Yes, the vast majority of the line troopers are courageous and honorable. That’s why they – and the public – and mad at the people at the top.
UNC-TV: Pulled off a rare two-fer by looking both unprofessional AND spineless. It’s bad when your own management – and the J-School – criticize your reporting as shoddy and one-sided. Then you meekly surrender your journalistic independence.
GlaxoSmithKline: Accused of squelching safety concerns about a key medicine. What do they think they are – a cigarette company?
NC Elections Board: Accused of being in cahoots with the Perdue campaign. Then it turns out the chief investigator is married to the former GOP counsel. No conflict, she assures us. Earth to Kim: It’s a conflict.

Who Can You Trust?
July 17, 2010/

It’s a bad time for once-trusted institutions.
Highway Patrol: Yes, the vast majority of the line troopers are courageous and honorable. That’s why they – and the public – and mad at the people at the top.
UNC-TV: Pulled off a rare two-fer by looking both unprofessional AND spineless. It’s bad when your own management – and the J-School – criticize your reporting as shoddy and one-sided. Then you meekly surrender your journalistic independence.
GlaxoSmithKline: Accused of squelching safety concerns about a key medicine. What do they think they are – a cigarette company?
NC Elections Board: Accused of being in cahoots with the Perdue campaign. Then it turns out the chief investigator is married to the former GOP counsel. No conflict, she assures us. Earth to Kim: It’s a conflict.