Whitewashing History
Republicans in the North Carolina House rammed through a bill saying schools shouldn’t teach any “concepts” that cause students to “feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress.”
Will some students feel “discomfort” when they learn that White Southerners introduced slavery to America, started a Civil War to protect slavery, denied Black Americans the right to vote and then beat, jailed and murdered them when they protested?
I certainly hope it makes them uncomfortable.

Whitewashing History

Republicans in the North Carolina House rammed through a bill saying schools shouldn’t teach any “concepts” that cause students to “feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress.”
Will some students feel “discomfort” when they learn that White Southerners introduced slavery to America, started a Civil War to protect slavery, denied Black Americans the right to vote and then beat, jailed and murdered them when they protested?
I certainly hope it makes them uncomfortable.