Which Will Do the Least Harm?

Did the Good Lord save Trump, touch his soul? Trump says God saved him. And his son says he’s a changed man. So did Trump have a moment in Butler, Pennsylvania like St. Paul on the road to Damascus?

For three days in a row Trump sat quietly in the Republican National Convention, smiling – who’d have expected that?

The last night of the convention standing on stage Hulk Hogan tore off his shirt to reveal his MAGA tee shirt. Next I listened to the wrestling magnate Trump had picked to introduce him. Then the lights dimmed. Music played. And Trump appeared on the dark stage. I watched, and listened, to see if he’d changed.

At the start Trump’s voice, tone, sounded different. Calmer. But before long the old Trump – we’d seen at rallies – reappeared. He boasted elect me and I’ll end the war in Ukraine in the blink of an eye. Voice hardening, in the next breath boasted he’d stop China, make us all richer, safer, and Make America Great Again.

Little had changed. Trump hadn’t been reborn. He was the same old Trump.

After an hour and a half his speech ended – I clicked between channels, listening to commentators; leaning forward on CNN David Axelrod said, That speech was the best news Democrats have had in a week.

Meantime Biden’s holed up in his beach house in Delaware with Covid. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, media pundits from the New York Times to Biden’s friends at MSNBC are telling Biden it’s time for him to get out of the race. An unknown Democrat pollster got headlines by releasing a poll showing four other Democratic candidates running better than Biden against Trump. And Biden’s aides have gone from saying ‘there’s no way he gets out’ to saying ‘he’s listening.’ So, maybe, he will get out. But Biden says he’ll start campaigning again next week.

So, for now, we’re stuck in an old familiar quagmire: Having to choose between two candidates most people don’t like.

Is it possible to make America great again? To do that we have to change politics so we have better choices for president – and don’t have to go on asking ourselves, Which will do the least harm?

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Carter Wrenn




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Which Will Do the Least Harm?


Did the Good Lord save Trump, touch his soul? Trump says God saved him. And his son says he’s a changed man. So did Trump have a moment in Butler, Pennsylvania like St. Paul on the road to Damascus?

For three days in a row Trump sat quietly in the Republican National Convention, smiling – who’d have expected that?

The last night of the convention standing on stage Hulk Hogan tore off his shirt to reveal his MAGA tee shirt. Next I listened to the wrestling magnate Trump had picked to introduce him. Then the lights dimmed. Music played. And Trump appeared on the dark stage. I watched, and listened, to see if he’d changed.

At the start Trump’s voice, tone, sounded different. Calmer. But before long the old Trump – we’d seen at rallies – reappeared. He boasted elect me and I’ll end the war in Ukraine in the blink of an eye. Voice hardening, in the next breath boasted he’d stop China, make us all richer, safer, and Make America Great Again.

Little had changed. Trump hadn’t been reborn. He was the same old Trump.

After an hour and a half his speech ended – I clicked between channels, listening to commentators; leaning forward on CNN David Axelrod said, That speech was the best news Democrats have had in a week.

Meantime Biden’s holed up in his beach house in Delaware with Covid. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, media pundits from the New York Times to Biden’s friends at MSNBC are telling Biden it’s time for him to get out of the race. An unknown Democrat pollster got headlines by releasing a poll showing four other Democratic candidates running better than Biden against Trump. And Biden’s aides have gone from saying ‘there’s no way he gets out’ to saying ‘he’s listening.’ So, maybe, he will get out. But Biden says he’ll start campaigning again next week.

So, for now, we’re stuck in an old familiar quagmire: Having to choose between two candidates most people don’t like.

Is it possible to make America great again? To do that we have to change politics so we have better choices for president – and don’t have to go on asking ourselves, Which will do the least harm?

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Carter Wrenn

