Where’s the Party?
January 15, 2013 - by
As Carter notes in his blog below, the boom in outside political groups is eclipsing the traditional parties. You can see three recent examples in Raleigh.
The big event Inaugural weekend wasn’t the traditional Junior League Ball or a Republican Party event. It was the Foundation for North Carolina (“F”-NC) fundraiser.
Last week, the House GOP caucus announced a new nonprofit to help “get our story out.” In other words, lay the groundwork for Speaker Tillis’ campaign for U.S. Senate.
And who has been out front as the Not-So-Loyal Opposition? Not the State Democratic Party, but the folks at ProgressNC.
There are many explanations: entrepreneurial political operatives, creative funding opportunities, the public’s poor opinion of parties and, not least, weak party leadership. So don’t look for the trend to end anytime soon.

Where’s the Party?
January 15, 2013/

As Carter notes in his blog below, the boom in outside political groups is eclipsing the traditional parties. You can see three recent examples in Raleigh.
The big event Inaugural weekend wasn’t the traditional Junior League Ball or a Republican Party event. It was the Foundation for North Carolina (“F”-NC) fundraiser.
Last week, the House GOP caucus announced a new nonprofit to help “get our story out.” In other words, lay the groundwork for Speaker Tillis’ campaign for U.S. Senate.
And who has been out front as the Not-So-Loyal Opposition? Not the State Democratic Party, but the folks at ProgressNC.
There are many explanations: entrepreneurial political operatives, creative funding opportunities, the public’s poor opinion of parties and, not least, weak party leadership. So don’t look for the trend to end anytime soon.