Where Were the Democrats?
A men’s room is not a safe place to be if they’re in it with Jim Black or a chiropractor. But there’s still one unanswered question. While all this money was floating around between Black and Michael Decker and chiropractors and optometrists where were all the other Democrats? I don’t mean why weren’t they in the men’s room; I mean why weren’t they asking some hard questions about the scandals.
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Where Were the Democrats?

A men’s room is not a safe place to be if they’re in it with Jim Black or a chiropractor. But there’s still one unanswered question. While all this money was floating around between Black and Michael Decker and chiropractors and optometrists where were all the other Democrats? I don’t mean why weren’t they in the men’s room; I mean why weren’t they asking some hard questions about the scandals.
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