Where is Obama When We Need Him?
The monster is back.
Last year the federal government, which will waste money on almost anything, refused to fund Lite-Rail for the Triangle because it was too wasteful.
Humbled, Mayor Meeker and other Lite-Rail boosters appointed a study commission and they’ve given us a seminar on how government shouldn’t work.
The commission studied the problem. And reached a conclusion. Follow their logic: The federal government thinks a billion dollar plan is too wasteful – so we should spend $2 billion.
It’s enough to convince you we need a change.
The Commission wants to raise taxes $500 million on the citizens of
Here’s a breakdown of what else the Commission wants to do:
– Build a railroad line from
– From
– From
Stop a minute and think of how much time and effort these railroads will save. Instead of driving your car to Chapel Hill, you can walk to the nearest bus stop, ride the bus to the train stop, ride the train to UNC Hospital, ride the bus again, then walk to your destination.
Could anyone but a dreamy-eyed social planner spending someone else’s money think this makes common sense?
Well, yes. According to the News & Observer developers in
But that’s a powerful enticement for the social planners to wave in front of the land speculators.
So we have a City Council determined to put the brakes on growth; and a transit commission determined to raise taxes to deal with the avalanche of people moving to
Where is Obama when we need him?
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Where is Obama When We Need Him?

The monster is back.
Last year the federal government, which will waste money on almost anything, refused to fund Lite-Rail for the Triangle because it was too wasteful.
Humbled, Mayor Meeker and other Lite-Rail boosters appointed a study commission and they’ve given us a seminar on how government shouldn’t work.
The commission studied the problem. And reached a conclusion. Follow their logic: The federal government thinks a billion dollar plan is too wasteful – so we should spend $2 billion.
It’s enough to convince you we need a change.
The Commission wants to raise taxes $500 million on the citizens of
Here’s a breakdown of what else the Commission wants to do:
– Build a railroad line from
– From
– From
Stop a minute and think of how much time and effort these railroads will save. Instead of driving your car to Chapel Hill, you can walk to the nearest bus stop, ride the bus to the train stop, ride the train to UNC Hospital, ride the bus again, then walk to your destination.
Could anyone but a dreamy-eyed social planner spending someone else’s money think this makes common sense?
Well, yes. According to the News & Observer developers in
But that’s a powerful enticement for the social planners to wave in front of the land speculators.
So we have a City Council determined to put the brakes on growth; and a transit commission determined to raise taxes to deal with the avalanche of people moving to
Where is Obama when we need him?
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