Where Does Pat Stand?
May 6, 2013 - by
Governor McCrory went to Texas to push for off-shore drilling, but where does he stand on deep-sixing renewable energy?
His old boss at Duke Energy opposes the bill. So do some legislative Republicans. But McCrory, the jobs and energy governor, is silent.
Does he agree with the argument made by Republican Rep. Mike Hager, who is pushing the bill to end the state’s renewables mandate. Hager told the N&O: “The idea is, what jobs expand the economy versus what jobs contract the economy.”
In other words, this free-enterprise Republican wants to decide which jobs he likes and which he doesn’t. At a time when many North Carolinians want any job.
What jobs does McCrory want?
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

Where Does Pat Stand?
May 6, 2013/

Governor McCrory went to Texas to push for off-shore drilling, but where does he stand on deep-sixing renewable energy?
His old boss at Duke Energy opposes the bill. So do some legislative Republicans. But McCrory, the jobs and energy governor, is silent.
Does he agree with the argument made by Republican Rep. Mike Hager, who is pushing the bill to end the state’s renewables mandate. Hager told the N&O: “The idea is, what jobs expand the economy versus what jobs contract the economy.”
In other words, this free-enterprise Republican wants to decide which jobs he likes and which he doesn’t. At a time when many North Carolinians want any job.
What jobs does McCrory want?
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans