Where Do You Stand, Pat?
July 9, 2013 - by
Governor McCrory’s waffling on the abortion bill recalls the old mountaineer who listened to a slick politician give a long-winded, on-the-one-hand, on-the-other-hand answer to a tough issue. Finally, the mountaineer demanded: “Son, are you fer it or agin’ it?”
McCrory shouldn’t kid himself that he can pass off the bill as protecting women’s health. A law that shuts down all but one of the places in the state where women can get abortions IS the threat to women’s health.
He can put hair gel on this pig, but it’s a pig. There is no middle ground. You’re fer it or agin’ it.
People who are agin’ it should hope that the First Lady opposes it as strongly as she opposes puppy mills. She seems to stiffen the Governor’s spine.
What McCrory really wants is for the House to take this cup from his lips. He said he hoped lawmakers would discuss the issue “during the next several days, or weeks or months or whatever it takes to understand that process.”
Any delay, of course, will make the Republican red-hots hot. But McCrory figures that’s Thom Tillis’ problem.

Where Do You Stand, Pat?
July 9, 2013/

Governor McCrory’s waffling on the abortion bill recalls the old mountaineer who listened to a slick politician give a long-winded, on-the-one-hand, on-the-other-hand answer to a tough issue. Finally, the mountaineer demanded: “Son, are you fer it or agin’ it?”
McCrory shouldn’t kid himself that he can pass off the bill as protecting women’s health. A law that shuts down all but one of the places in the state where women can get abortions IS the threat to women’s health.
He can put hair gel on this pig, but it’s a pig. There is no middle ground. You’re fer it or agin’ it.
People who are agin’ it should hope that the First Lady opposes it as strongly as she opposes puppy mills. She seems to stiffen the Governor’s spine.
What McCrory really wants is for the House to take this cup from his lips. He said he hoped lawmakers would discuss the issue “during the next several days, or weeks or months or whatever it takes to understand that process.”
Any delay, of course, will make the Republican red-hots hot. But McCrory figures that’s Thom Tillis’ problem.